• 1. Department of Inpatient, Beijing Likang Hospital, Beijing 102609, China;
  • 2. Department of Pharmacy, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Beijing 100020, China;
  • 3. Beijing Institute of Neurosurgery, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100026, China;
LIULi-hong, Email: hongllh@126.com
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Objective To systematically review the effectiveness and safety of domestic tirofiban for Chinese population with non ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes (NSTE-ACS) in non-interventional therapy. Methods We searched databases including The Cochrane Library (Issue 11, 2013), PubMed, EMbase, CBM, CNKI, VIP and WanFang Data from 1994 to 2014 to collect randomized controlled trials (RCTs) about domestic tirofiban for NSTE-ACS patients in non-interventional therapy. Two reviewers independently screened literature according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, extracted data, and assessed methodological quality of included studies. Meta-analysis was then conducted using RevMan 5.2 software. Results A total of 23 RCTs were enrolled involving 2 425 patients. The results of meta-analysis showed that:a) the effectiveness of tirofiban in the trial group was significantly better than that in the control group (OR=3.62, 95%CI 2.33 to 5.63, P<0.000 01); b) ST segment down improvement in the trial group was better than that in the control group (WMD=0.39, 95%CI 0.30 to 0.49, P<0.000 01); c) improvement of platelet aggregation in the trial group was better than that in the control group (WMD=27.89, 95%CI 25.45 to 30.34, P<0.000 01); d) the incidences of cardiovascular events of composite endpoints in the trial group were lower than that in the control group (during 36 h:OR=0.20, 95%CI 0.12 to 0.31, P<0.000 01; and after 30 days:OR=0.31, 95%CI 0.23 to 0.42, P<0.000 01); and e) the incidence rate of bleeding in the trial group was higher than that in the control group (OR=1.53, 95%CI 1.09 to 2.15, P=0.02). Conclusion Compared with routine drugs used alone, tirofiban has better therapeutic effects in non-interventional therapy for Chinese population with NSTE-ACS, but the incidence of bleeding is relatively high.

Citation: LIUJian-feng, ZHUYing, WANGXiao-wei, LIULi-hong. Effectiveness and Safety of Domestic Tirofiban for Chinese Population with Non-ST-elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Meta-analysis. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2015, 15(1): 90-98. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.20150016 Copy

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