The purpose of this study was to investigate the arterial supply of the pisiform bone. Fifty upper extremities from adult human cadavers of both sexes were studied. The observations showed that there was a small branch(named the main artery of pisiform) arising from the lower part of the ulnar artery in each cases. The mean value of the length of the main artery of the pisiform was 23.89±8.68mm, the diameter of the artery was 0.79±0.21mm. The length, width and thickness of the pisiform were 11. 61±1.98mm, 11.40±1.87mm and 10.30±1.26mm, respectively. The length and width of the space accupied by the lunate on the X-ray films were measured, they were 16.38±1.96mm and 12.03±1.17mm, respectively.
Citation: Dan linjue,Peng Qingen,Zhu Lei.. THE ARTERIAL SUPPLY OF PISIFORM BONE. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1993, 7(2): 98-99. doi: Copy
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