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find Keyword "中枢神经系统" 28 results

    Objective To analyze the therapeutic effect of olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) transplantation for central nervous system diseases. Methods Between November 2001 and January 2008, 1 255 participants with central nervous system diseases were enrolled in this cl inical study for fetal OECs transplantation. There were 928 males and 327 femalesaged 1.2-87 (mean 40) years. The course of disease was (4.52 ± 4.67) years. Among them, 656 participants suffered from chronic spinal cord injury (SCI), 457 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 68 cerebral palsy (CP), 20 multiple sclerosis (MS), 11 the sequelae of stoke, 10 ataxia, and 33 residual diseases. The participants came from 71 countries or regions. Accidentally abortional fetal olfactory bulbs were donated voluntarily and were cultured for 2 weeks, then were transplanted. Results One thousand one hundred and twenty-eight cases were followed up for 2-8 weeks (mean 4 weeks) to obtain integrated data. Among them, the neurological functional amel ioration was noticed in 994 participants with the overall short-term improvement rate of 88.12%. Seventy-six patients experienced the various perioperative compl ications with the incidence rate of 6.74%. One hundred and twenty patients with SCI received over 1 year follow-up. And according to ASIA assessment, motor scores increased from (39.82 ± 20.25) to (44.55 ± 18.99) points, l ight touch scores from (51.56 ± 25.89) to (59.81 ± 27.72) points, pain scores from (50.36 ± 27.44) to (57.09 ± 28.51) points for foreign patients (P lt; 0.05); motor scores increased from (40.52 ± 20.80) to (46.45 ± 20.35) points, l ight touch scores from (55.64 ± 26.32) to (68.64 ± 25.89) points, pain scores from (57.05 ± 26.00) to (66.13 ± 24.29) points for good rehabil itation Chinese patients (overall P lt; 0.05); motor scores from (37.03 ± 18.52) to (38.03 ± 18.50 points (P lt;0.05), l ight touch scores from (45.88 ± 22.56) to (46.63 ± 23.09) points (P gt; 0.05), pain scores from (45.25 ± 23.68) to (45.28 ± 23.63) points (P gt; 0.05) for poor rehabil itation Chinese patients. Compared foreign patients and good rehabil itation Chinese patients with poor rehabil itation Chinese patients, difference in score change was remarkable (P lt; 0.05). One hundred and six cases of ALS, 32 CP, 8 MS, 7 ataxia, and 2 stroke sequelae were followed up for 3-48, 3-36, 2-20, 7-17, 6 and 24 months, One hundred and six cases of respectively. Majority of them (113/155, 72.9%)were benefited from OECs transplantation. Conclusion OECs transplantation into brain and spinal cord is feasible and safe . The therapeutic strategy is valuable treatment for such central nervous system diseases such as chronic SCI, ALS, CP and stroke sequelae and can improve the patients’ neurological functions and/or decrease the progressive deterioration.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:05 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To investigate the cl inical features of mal ignant melanoma (MM) in the central nervous system (CNS) and to improve the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Methods Seven MM-in-CNS patients’ records between September 1996 and April 2007 were analyzed retrospectively, including 6 males and 1 female aged 18-74 years. The 5 cases were located in the supra-tentorial area, 1 in the spinal cord and 1 in the whole brain. CT or MRI scan was appl ied. The lesion was in the right frontal area in 4 cases, in the right temporal are in 1 case, in the left temporal area in 1 case, in the left apex area in 1 case and in the cervical spinal cord of C5-7 in 1 case. Six patients underwent neurosurgical operation and1 patient received the Gamma Knife therapy. The pathological examination revealed that 2 cases were metastatic MM and 5 were primary. Results One patient with primary MM received no follow-up, and the rest 6 patients were followed up for 2 weeks to 2 years with the time of median 8 months. One patient with metastatic MM died 2 months after operation, 1 patient to with metastatic MM died 2 weeks after Gamma-Knife treatment, 1 patient with metastatic MM with primary MM died 2 years after operation, and 3 patients with primary MM were still al ive and self-independent 6, 10 and 24 months after operation, respecti vely. Conclusion Since MM-in-CNS is short of specificity in cl inical symptoms and signs, its diagnosis mainly rel ies on the pathological examination and is assisted by MRI. The combined therapy giving priority to operation is recommended.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Combined with diffusion tensor imaging and proton densityweighted magnetic resonance imaging on the visual pathway of central nervous system in patients with glaucoma

    Objective To observe the changes of visual pathway of central nervous system in patients with glaucoma.Methods Thirty-five subjects were enrolled in this prospective study. There were seven patients of chronic primary angle closure glaucoma with bilateral visual field defects, 12 patients of primary open angle glaucoma with bilateral visual field defects, and 16 normal subjects. GE Signa HD 1.5 T magnetic resonance scanners and head eight phased array were used. The mean fractional anisotropy (FA) and the mean average diffusion coefficient (DCavg) of white matter tracts in visual pathway of bilateral optic nerve, optic chiasma, bilateral optic tract,bilateral optic radiation were measured by diffusion tensor imaging, meanwhile the white matter tracts were reconstructed by fiber tracking system. The volumes of lateral geniculate body were measured by coronal proton density weighted magnetic resonance imaging.Results The differences of FA among bilateral optic nerve, optic chiasma, bilateral optic tract,bilateral optic radiation were statistically significant (F=25.985,20.626,12.262,22.399,21.708,24.994,22.774;P<0.05). There was no difference of DCavg among bilateral optic nerve, optic chiasma, bilateral optic tract,bilateral optic radiation(F=2.097,2.178,0.530,0.983,0.608, 0.866, 1.504;P>0.05). The differences of volume of lateral geniculate body among three groups were statistically significant (F=18.631,17.274;P<0.05). Conclusion There is degeneration in visual pathway of central nervous system in patients with glaucoma.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:26 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 后颅凹广泛静脉畸形致水肿误诊为视盘血管炎一例

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:58 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • CT and MRI Manifestations of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphomas

    【摘要】 目的 探讨原发性中枢神经系统淋巴瘤(PCNSL)的CT及MRI表现特征,以提高术前对该病的影像诊断能力。方法 分析2008年1月—2009年8月华西医院16例经病理证实PCNSL患者的CT、MRI资料及病理资料。结果 病理检查均为B细胞来源的弥漫性大B细胞性淋巴瘤。16例PCNSL 29个病灶,单发11例(69%),多发5例(31%)18个病灶。病灶好发部位依次是大脑半球临近蛛网膜下腔12个(41.4%)、脑室周围深部白质7个(24.1%)、胼胝体3个(10.3%)。有5例病变CT平扫表现为等或略高于脑实质密度影,无出血和钙化;MRI平扫75.9%(19/25)的病灶T1WI呈等低信号,T2WI等稍低信号,类似“脑膜瘤”样信号,均未见血管流空;增强后病灶大都均匀实质团块状或结节状强化,典型的可出现“尖角征”、“握拳征”,3例可见小囊变,呈“硬环征”。结论 CT对PCNSL的定性诊断作用有限,MRI具有一定特征性表现者,多可作出正确的诊断,但确诊有赖于病理。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:37 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 内源性神经干细胞在中枢神经系统创伤修复中的研究进展


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  • Lennox-Gastaut综合征患者的非药物治疗——生酮饮食和迷走神经刺激

    Lennox-Gastaut综合征(Lennox-Gastaut syndrome,LGS)的患者常常对于药物治疗无效或耐药。对于这些药物难治性患者,生酮饮食(Ketogenic diets,KD)和迷走神经刺激(Vagus nerve stimulation,VNS)可作为非药物治疗的选择。传统的KD用于癫痫治疗已经有90余年的历史了,它是一种高脂、低碳水化合物饮食,其中90%的热量来自于脂肪。KD治疗对于约半数的LGS患者有效,癫痫发作可减少50%以上,有些患者癫痫发作甚至可减少90%以上。VNS疗法,需要手术植入一个刺激发生器,它可以通过缠绕在左侧迷走神经上的电极对大脑进行间断性电刺激。VNS作为辅助疗法可用于不宜手术治疗的药物难治性癫痫患者(包括LGS)。与KD相似,VNS对约半数的LGS患者有效,癫痫发作将减少50%以上,而且随时间的推移,疗效会逐渐增强。KD和VNS均可作为LGS患者的治疗选择。

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  • Ramsay Hunt综合征引起中枢神经系统感染的临床特征

    目的观察Ramsay Hunt综合征出现中枢神经系统感染的发病率、治疗方法及预后。 方法回顾性分析2011年2月-2014年1月连续收治的13例Ramsay Hunt综合征患者的临床资料。 结果13例患者中出现中枢神经系统感染3例,占23%,经治疗13例均有好转。 结论Ramsay Hunt综合征应早期完善脑脊液、头颅MRI等检查以明确是否存在中枢神经系统感染,尤其针对无中枢神经系统感染临床症状患者,避免漏诊,早期给予足量阿昔洛韦及糖皮质激素、神经营养药物等综合治疗,预后良好。

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  • Discussion on the Value of MRI in the Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Lymphoma

    ObjectiveTo investigate the value of MRI in the diagnosis of central nervous system lymphoma (CNSL). MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 20 cases of primary CNSL (PCNSL) and 13 cases of secondary CNSL (SCNSL) from the Second People's Hospital of Chengdu and Chengdu 363 Hospital from January to December 2013, and analyzed their clinical data and MRI image data. We observed the tumor location, tumor size and signal, and carried out the statistical analysis. ResultsTwenty patients had PCNSL in the brain, including single lesion in 9 (45.0%), and multiple in 11 (55.0%). Among the 48 lesions, there were 23 (47.9%) nodular lesions, 21 (43.8%) crumb lesions, and 4 (8.3%) dot patch lesions; MRI showed slightly low T1 signal and slightly high T2 signal in most lesions, and showed significant even enhancing, and mild to moderate edema around the tumor. SCNSL lesions were mainly meningeal disseminated with 3 cases (23.1%) of single lesions and 10 cases (76.9%) of multiple ones, and there were a total of 30 lesions. MRI manifested that T1 and T2 mainly showed equal signals, and showed an obviously even enhancing status, and mild to moderate edema around the tumor. ConclusionThe central nervous system lymphoma has a certain characteristic MRI image, and MRI images of the primary and secondary central nervous system lymphoma were similar.

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  • 原发性中枢神经系统淋巴瘤一例诊疗分析

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