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find Keyword "指尖缺损" 2 results
  • 手指指尖再造

    【摘 要】 目的 总结采用第2 足趾末节移植再造手指指尖缺损的方法及临床效果。 方法 2001 年4 月-2006 年12 月,收治17 例21 指手指指尖缺损患者。男10 例14 指,女7 例7 指;年龄18 ~ 32 岁。冲床压伤7 例,电刨伤5 例,机器绞伤2 例,其他伤3 例。示指10 指,中指7 指,环指4 指。均为手指甲根部以远缺损。术中切取第2 足趾末节,采用吻合指- 趾血管的方法重建血液循环行指尖再造。 结果 1 指于术后36 h 发生血管危象,经重新吻合术后12 d 手指成活,余再造指尖12 d 后均成活。供区伤口均Ⅰ期愈合。患者术后均获随访,随访时间5 个月~ 2 年,手指外形恢复良好,远侧指间关节活动度0 ~ 55°,指腹两点辨别觉4 ~ 6 mm。按中华医学会手外科分会再植与再造功能评定试用标准评定,均为优。供区行走功能无明显影响。 结论 第2 足趾末节移植再造手指指尖缺损是较理想方法之一。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effectiveness of finger reconstruction using nail flap anastomosing nerve branch of the first toe nail bed

    Objective To investigate the effectiveness of finger reconstruction using nail flap anastomosing the nerve branch of the first toe nail bed. MethodsBetween January 2016 and December 2022, 18 patients (18 fingers) with thumb or finger nail bed defects were admitted. There were 12 males and 6 females, with an average age of 32 years (range, 19-42 years). Four cases were finger tip tissue damage caused by machine compression, and 4 cases were distal tissue necrosis after finger replantation. There were 9 cases of thumb injury, 3 cases of index finger injury, 5 cases of middle finger injury, and 1 case of ring finger injury. There were 11 cases of distal nail damage and 7 cases of distal nail root (including nail root) damage. The time from injury to admission was 1-5 hours, with an average of 2 hours. After debridement and anti-infection treatment for 5-7 days, the wounds in size of 1 cm×1 cm to 4 cm×3 cm were reconstructed by using nail flaps anastomosing the nerve branches of the first toe nail bed. The size of the nail flaps ranged from 1.5 cm×1.5 cm to 4.5 cm×3.5 cm. The donor sites were repaired with the flaps in 16 cases and skin graft in 2 cases. Results All nail flaps, flaps, and skin grafts survived after operation and the wounds healed by first intention. All patients were followed up 6-12 months (mean, 10 months). The nails of 18 cases were all grown, in which 16 cases had smooth nails with satisfactory appearances, 1 case had uneven nails, and 1 case had obvious scar hyperplasia around the suture opening. At 6 months after operation, the two-point discrimination of the skin flap was 4-8 mm (mean, 6 mm). Meanwhile, the skin grafts and flaps at the donor sites regained protective sensation, good abrasion resistance, and had no negative effect upon walking and wearing shoes. ConclusionThe application of a nail flap that anastomoses the nerve branch of the first toe nail bed for finger reconstruction has minimal damage and can achieve good nail bed repair results.

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