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find Keyword "放化疗" 33 results
  • 手术加综合治疗与同步放化疗治疗ⅡB期宫颈癌的比较


    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effect of Transanus Local Excision Combined with Radio-Chemotherapy in Gerontal Patients with Low Rectal Carcinoma

    目的  探讨老年低位直肠癌经肛门局部切除后加放、化疗的临床意义。方法 对18例年龄≥65岁,肿瘤距肛缘≤6 cm且经病理证实但拒绝Miles术的直肠癌患者行经肛门局部切除; 于术后1个月给予放疗(总剂量50 Gy); 化疗: 亚叶酸钙200 mg、5-FU 400 mg/m2,第1次于术后第1~5 d,每3~4周重复1次,共3~6次。结果 全部病例无手术死亡,术后均有良好的肛门功能。16例获随访,随访5年,其中3例局部复发,拒绝再次手术,给予放、化疗。死亡12例,其中2例死于远处转移,10例死于其他因素。本组患者1年生存率为77.8%(14/18),5年生存率为38.9%(7/18)。结论 对老年低位直肠癌拒绝Miles术的患者行经肛门局部切除加放、化疗,疗效确切,可提高患者生活质量,延长生存期。

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:08 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Selection of Adjuvant Radiochemotherapy in Treatment of Rectal Cancer

    直肠癌围手术期辅助治疗的提出缘由是直肠癌发病率和死亡率仍不断上升。全球结、直肠癌发病率平均每年递增2%,在欧美国家其死亡率仍居癌症死亡第二位。我国情况亦相似,以上海为例,发病率每年递增4.2%,比全球平均递增速度还要高。1990~1992年我国十分之一人口的抽样调查显示,结、直肠癌平均调整死亡率为4.54/10万人口,居癌症死亡第五位。而直肠癌在美国占结、直肠癌的40%,在中国占50%以上。更甚的是,直肠癌治疗效果还不够理想,近30多年来提高并不显著。美国癌症协会Cutler统计分析25 000例结、直肠癌资料,其中外科治疗直肠癌5年生存率自1940~1960年由44%提高到50%。英国牛津大学临床试验研究中心收集1960~1987年世界各地所有结、直肠癌临床随机治疗资料共计97组154项研究,包含32 000余例,其中直肠癌3年和5年生存率分别为65.0%和45.1%。迄今,大宗直肠癌病例报告的术后5年生存率都徘徊在50%左右,扩大手术范围生存率提高不多,但随之而来的却是更大的手术损伤、合并症增加。术后远处转移,特别是局部复发是直肠癌治疗失败的原因,如何防止局部复发和肝转移,一直是困扰医学家们的临床课题。此外,随着社会进步和科学技术水平的提高,人们对生活质量要求也提高,更多直肠癌患者要求保留肛门。

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Surgical Treatment of ⅢA-N2 Stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer:Controversies and Consensus

    The optimal treatment of stage ⅢA-N2 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains controversial. Resultsof primary surgery alone are not satisfied. Surgery after induction chemotherapy yields better outcomes compared to resectiononly which has been widely accepted. Randomized studies show induction chemotherapy followed by either radiotherapy or surgery have approximately equivalent survival outcomes,significant improved survival can be achieved by combined surgery in selected patients. Low-grade N2,effective response and mediastinal downstaging after induction therapy,and successful complete resection by lobectomy,are good indications of surgery. Ideal treatments are approached base on theheterogeneity of N2 . Patients with bulky or fixed N2 disease should be considered for radical chemo-radiotherapy,and surgeryshould be a part of multi-modality management for patients with non-fixed,non-bulky,single-zone N2 disease. Further randomized trials of surgery added to multi-modality management in patients with multi-zone N2 disease should be taken in order to establish possible subgroups of patients might be benefitted more from the addition of surgery.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Pseudoprogression after Radiochemotherapy for High-grade Glioma

    【摘要】 目的 探讨高级别胶质瘤患者放射、化学治疗后假性进展的临床特点、诊断与处理。 方法 分析2008年6月-2009年6月接受综合治疗的31例高级别胶质瘤患者临床资料,对假性进展的患者进行回顾分析,按照实体瘤疗效评判标准应用磁共振进行疗效评价。 结果 31例术后病理诊断为高级别胶质瘤的患者,替莫唑胺(TMZ)同期放射、化学治疗后维持TMZ辅助化学疗法,放射治疗后早期发生假性进展4例(14%)。 结论 对于TMZ同期放射、化学治疗后早期出现的影像学疑似进展,不要急于下结论,了解假性进展的临床特点,结合功能影像学检查可能会有助于临床医生的判断与处理。【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the clinical feature, diagnosis, and management of pseudoprogression after radiochemotherapy of high-grade glioma patients.  Methods The clinical data of 31 high-grade glioma patients who underwent postoperative radiochemotherapy from June 2008 to June 2009 were reviewed. Pseudoprogression cases were analyzed. The treatment response was assessed through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) according to the established response evaluation criteria in solid tumors. Results All the 31 high grade gioma patients received postoperative fractioned radiotherapy with concomitant TMZ chemotherapy, followed by TMZ maintenance chemotherapy. Four cases of pseudoprogression occurred after radiotherapy (14%). Conclusion Doctors should be careful in making early diagnosis for the suspected early progression after TMZ concomitant radiochemotherapy. It would be helpful for management to combine the clinical features of pseudoprogression with functional imaging technology.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Characteristics of Primary Intracranial Germinoma

    【摘要】 目的 探讨颅内原发生殖细胞瘤的临床特征。方法 收集华西医院脑外科2000年1月—2009年3月119例颅内原发生殖细胞瘤的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 发病率约占同期颅内肿瘤的 1.1%。男〖DK〗∶女=1.64〖DK〗∶1,平均发病年龄15.4岁。临床表现主要为颅内高压症状及视力视野改变,分别为61、56例;肿瘤主要来源于松果体区及鞍区;64例患者行放疗或放疗加化疗,随访45例。55例患者行手术治疗(其中术后行单纯放疗19例,放疗加化疗5例),随访36例。随访时间3~94个月,平均29.7个月。行放疗和放化疗的患者3、5年生存率明显高于单纯行手术治疗的患者。结论 颅内原发生殖细胞瘤多见于儿童及青少年,男性多见,肿瘤大多位于松果体区及鞍区。临床表现位于松果体区者主要为颅内高压症状等,位于鞍区者主要为视力视野改变、尿崩等。放疗联合化疗是主要治疗手段。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:37 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Observation on the Curative Effect of Local Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Treated by Cisplation Plus Capecitabine Combined with Radiotherapy

    目的:比较常规放射治疗与放射治疗同期合并顺铂(PDD)加卡培他滨(CAP)治疗局部晚期鼻咽癌的有效性,同时评价此联合方式的安全性。方法:从2003年2月至2005年11月,78例局部晚期鼻咽癌患者(Ⅲ、Ⅳa,92分期)随机分为两组,放化疗组在放疗的第1、4、7周均用PDD+CAP各化疗一周期,PDD:20mg/m2,静脉滴注,连用5天;CAP:1000mg/m2,每天2次,连用14天,休7天;21天为一周期。两组放疗方法相同:鼻咽原发灶采用60Co外照射,颈部淋巴结引流区采用60Co前切线照射加深部X线垂直照射,鼻咽部剂量为65~70 Gy/6.5~7周,颈淋巴结转移灶剂量为65~70 Gy/6.5~7周。结果:放化疗组及单放组治疗结束后3个月鼻咽部肿瘤完全消退率分别为89.7%,69.2%(P﹤0.05)。3年生存率分别为76.9%,53.8%(P﹤0.05)。结论:顺铂加卡培他滨方案联合放化疗治疗局部晚期鼻咽癌可改善患者的生存,毒副反应可耐受。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:00 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Downstaging and Tumor Regression in Rectal Cancer Following Neo-Adjuvant Chemoradiotherapy

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Preoperative Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy Combined with Total Mesorectal Excision in Treatment for Locally Advanced Lower Rectal Cancer

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy combined with total mesorectal excision (TME) in treatment for locally advanced lower rectal cancer. Methods The clinical data of 31 patients with locally advanced lower rectal cancer received concurrent chemoradiotherapy from January 2009 to December 2011 in this hospital were analyzed retrospectively. Conventional fraction radiotherapy with total dose 50 Gy and chemotherapy with mFOLFOX6 or CapeOX regimen were taken. The efficacy was assessed by recording results of clinical and pathological examination. The function of sphincter was also recorded. Results All 31 patients underwent TME operation. The complication morbidity and mortality was 12.9% (4/31) and 3.2% (1/31),respectively. As a result of the preoperative management,the tumor was reduced by an average of 21.9%, down-regulation of T stage was observed in 48.4% (15/31) patients,the frequency of lymph node metastasis decreased from 83.9% (26/31) to 38.7% (12/31). Pathological complete response was observed in 5 patients (16.1%) and the total response rate was 74.2% (23/31),grade 3/4 toxicity was occurred in 2 (6.5%) patients. 84.6% (22/26) of patients underwent sphincter preservation surgery reserved good function of sphincter. Conclusions Preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy combined with TME in treatment for locally advanced lower rectal cancer is effective and safe,which can lead to pathological complete response,decrease the tumor stage and the rate of lymph node metastasis,and can also increase the efficacy of operation.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:38 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Advances of Neoadjuvant Therapy Combined with Transanal Resection in Stage T 2-3 Rectal Cancer

    Objective To summarize the application and advancement of neoadjuvant therapy combined with transanal resection in stage T2-3 rectal cancer. Methods Domestic and abroad publications on the studies of neoadjuvant therapy combined with transanal resection in stage T2-3 rectal cancer in recent years were collected and reviewed. Results In selected patients with stage T2-3 rectal cancer, neoadjuvant therapy combined with transanal resection was efficacious in sphincter preservation and complications prevention. Compared with modality without chemoradiation, the recurrence rate had decreased from 17%-62% to 0-20%. Conclusion Selected patients with stage T2-3 rectal cancer can benefit from neoadjuvant chemoradiation combined with transanal resection.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:52 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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