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find Keyword "显微外科" 71 results
  • Microsurgical Treatment of Hypertension Brainstem Hemorrhage

    目的:探讨高血压脑干出血的显微外科治疗的手术指征、手术技巧、效果和预后。方法: 回顾性分析21例高血压脑干出血患者的临床资料、手术方式、治疗效果及随访资料。结果:21例患者均于显微镜下清除血肿,无手术死亡,术中运用神经电生理监测。11例患者术后神经功能障碍得到改善,5例症状加重持续昏迷。5例术后死亡,术后随访6~18个月,9例生活基本能够自理,7例长期卧床。结论: 采用显微外科技术治疗高血压脑干出血,效果良好。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Microsurgical Treatment of Pineal Region Tumors


    Release date:2016-09-08 10:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Facial Nerve Reservation in Large Acoustic Neuroma Surgery


    Release date:2016-09-08 10:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 近指间关节复合组织缺损的显微外科修复

    目的总结近指间关节复合组织缺损显微外科修复的疗效。 方法2005年3月-2011年3月,对12例示、中指近指间关节复合组织缺损患者采用游离带关节的第2足趾复合组织移植修复。男9例,女3例;年龄17~38岁,平均24.6岁。致伤原因:电锯伤3例,交通事故伤4例,机器绞伤5例。软组织缺损范围3.0 cm × 1.0 cm~5.5 cm × 2.5 cm。伤后至手术时间3 h~4 d,平均32 h。 结果12例均获随访,随访时间5个月~4年,平均2.5年。术后48 h 1例发生皮瓣静脉危象,行静脉皮瓣移植修复成活;余11例移植复合组织均顺利成活。移植骨均愈合良好,愈合时间5~12个月,平均8个月。随访期间无关节退行性变。11例术后14个月按照中华医学会手外科学会上肢部分功能评定试用标准评价,获优3例,良4例,可4例。 结论对于近指间关节复合组织缺损,通过显微外科方法修复可以最大程度恢复手指外观、感觉及功能。

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To investigate the effectiveness and surgical skills of microsurgical repair of radial nerve deep branch injury. Methods Between March 2001 and February 2011, 49 cases of radial nerve deep branch injury were treated by microsurgical technique. There were 40 males and 9 females with an average age of 32 years (range, 19-58 years), including 13 cases of knife-cut injury, 9 cases of electric-saw injury, 7 cases of dagger-stab injury, 6 cases of glass-cut injury, 5 cases of iatrogenic injury, 4 cases of Monteggia fracture, 3 cases of nailgun injury, and 2 cases of crush injury of the forearm complicated by fracture of the proximal radius. The disease duration ranged from 3 hours to 3 years and 8 months (mean, 4.9 months). The sites of injury were at front of supinator tube in 15 cases, in the supinator tube in 23 cases, and at back of supinator tube in 11 cases. One-stage repair was performed by end-to-end suture in 21 cases, including 9 cases of epineurial neurorrhaphy and 12 cases of perineurial neurorrhaphy; two-stage repair was performed in 28 cases, including 26 cases of sural nerve graft and 2 cases of neurolysis. Results Postoperative wounds primarily healed. All patients were followed up 21.5 months on average (range, 12-39 months). At last follow-up, in 21 cases of one-stage repair, the muscle strength of the extensor pollicis longus was level 5 in 13 cases, and level 4 in 8 cases; in 28 cases of two-stage repair, the muscle strength of the extensor pollicis longus was level 5 in 2 cases, level 4 in 21 cases, level 3 in 4 cases, and level 2 in 1 case; and significant difference was found (Z= — 5.340, P=0.000). In 9 cases undergoing epineurial neurorrhaphy at one-stage repair, the muscle strength of the extensor pollicis longus was level 5 in 3 cases, and level 4 in 6 cases; in 12 cases undergoing perineurial neurorrhaphy at one-stage repair, the muscle strength of the extensor pollicis longus was level 5 in 10 cases, and level 4 in 2 cases; and significant difference was found (Z= — 2.279, P=0.023). In 26 cases undergoing nerve graft at two-stage repair, the muscle strength of the extensor pollicis longus was level 5 in 2 cases, level 4 in 20 cases, level 3 in 3 cases, and level 2 in 1 case; in 2 cases undergoing neurolysis at two-stage repair, the muscle strength of the extensor pollicis longus was level 4 in 1 case and level 3 in 1 case; and no significant difference was found (Z= — 1.117, P=0.264). According to the upper arm function assessment criterion issued by Hand Surgery Association of Chinese Medicine Association, the results were excellent in 18 cases, good in 3 cases in one-stage repair patients; excellent in 2 cases, good in 21 cases, fair in 4 cases, and poor in 1 case in two-stage repair patients; and there was significant difference (Z= — 5.340, P=0.000). Conclusion Microsurgical one-stage repair of radial nerve deep branch injury can obtain better effectiveness than two-stage repair by nerve graft, and perineurial neurorrhaphy is significantly better than epineurial neurorrhaphy.

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 足跟皮肤撕脱再植一例

    对于足跟皮肤撕脱临床多采用原位缝合或修薄打包回植,成活率低。目前国内少见关于足跟皮肤撕脱再植成活的报道。我们于2008 年12 月7 日收治1 例足跟皮肤撕脱患者,行再植术后成活。报告如下。

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:41 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 尺神经手背支损伤的一期修复

    目的 总结尺神经手背支急性锐器伤的治疗方法及疗效。 方法 2007 年10 月- 2009 年3 月,对36 例尺神经手背支急性损伤采用显微外科技术一期修复。男29 例,女7 例;年龄20 ~ 59 岁,平均28 岁。玻璃切伤6 例,刀伤11 例,电锯伤19 例。损伤部位:尺神经手背支起始处至发出横支处13 例,尺神经手背支中间支与尺侧支联合损伤18 例,尺侧支损伤5 例。单纯尺神经手背支损伤22 例,合并尺骨茎突骨折1 例,第4 掌骨骨折2 例,第5 掌骨骨折3 例,环指伸肌腱断裂1 例,小指伸肌腱断裂7 例。 结果 术后伤口均Ⅰ期愈合,无感染等并发症发生。36 例均获随访,随访时间6 ~ 24 个月,平均16 个月。根据中华医学会手外科分会上肢部分功能评定试用标准中尺神经功能评定试用标准:获优33 例,良2 例,中1 例,优良率97.2%。 结论 尺神经手背支急性锐器伤采用显微外科技术一期修复,腕背及手背尺侧重要感觉功能恢复良好,效果满意。

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 吻合静脉加负压引流治疗全手掌皮肤脱套伤

    目的 总结吻合静脉加负压引流治疗全手掌皮肤脱套伤的治疗方法和临床效果。 方法 2005 年6 月- 2007 年9 月,收治全手掌皮肤脱套伤7 例。男5 例,女2 例;年龄17 ~ 45 岁,平均30 岁。机器压伤5 例,滚轴绞伤2 例。手掌、手背自腕横纹逆行脱套至指蹼。受伤至手术时间为1 ~ 6 h,平均3 h。术中吻合皮下静脉、重建静脉回路,伤口内放置负压引流进行原位修复。 结果 6 例脱套皮肤全部成活;1 例脱套皮肤远端掌侧部分坏死,行游离植皮后成活。7 例均获随访,随访时间3 ~ 17 个月,平均12 个月。手部外形及色泽基本正常,出汗正常,手指屈、伸及感觉功能恢复良好。按中华医学会手外科学会上肢部分功能评定试用标准:获优3 例,良3 例,差1 例,优良率85.7%。 结论 吻合静脉加负压引流可以减轻皮肤水肿,提高脱套皮肤的成活率,是治疗全手掌皮肤脱套伤的一种较好方法。

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 全头皮撕脱再植成活一例

    目的 报告1 例全头皮撕脱伤再植成活患者并结合文献进行分析。 方法 2008 年1 月,收治1 例38岁因脱粒机缠绞长发造成全头皮撕脱伤后3 h 的女性患者。患者头皮撕脱30 cm × 29 cm,颅骨裸露,骨膜基本完整。术中行吻合1 条枕后动脉及1 条颞浅静脉血管的全头皮再植手术。术后行抗炎、抗凝、改善循环及局部处理等治疗。 结果 术后再植头皮未见明显肿胀及头皮下积血。14 d 左颞区出现16 cm × 5 cm 头皮坏死,经局部应用EGF 2 个月后头皮缺损区瘢痕愈合;其余再植头皮成活。患者获随访6 个月,毛发生长良好,头皮恢复部分感觉,外观满意。 结 论 吻合血管的全头皮再植是治疗全头皮撕脱伤的较好方法。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:05 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    To report the diagnosis methods and cl inical treatment effects of blood vessel trunk damage in l imbs. Methods From January 2001 to June 2006, 72 patients with vascular injury in l imbs were treated. There were 50 males and 22 females, aged from 5-60 years (median 39 years) and including 44 cases of open injury and 28 cases of closed injury.The locations were subclavian artery in 1, femoral artery in 23, popl iteal artery in 20, radia artery and ulna artery in 12, brachial artery in 11, axilary artery in 3 and anterior and posterior tibia artery in 2. The disease course was 30 minutes to 27 days. Injured arteries were repaired by suturing directly in 3 cases, by end-end anastomosis in 39 cases and by saphenous transplantation in 30 cases. The length of transplant veins was 3 cm to 8 cm. Results In 72 cases, 67 survived and 5 were given amputation. Fortyeight cases were followed up 6 months to 5 years. The blood flow rate and the diameter of blood vessel on the affected l imbs were not different from that of normal l imbs by colorful Doppler blood flow monitor. Forty cases recovered satisfactory l imb function. Eight cases had different degrees of dysfunction, of them, four cases received functional reconstructive operation, and the function and appearance were improved. Conclusion To investigate the mechanism and situation of injury, to examine patients carefully and analyze comprehensively are the key points of making earl ier diagnosis for branch blood vessel damage; microsurgical repair of the injured blood vessel is the assurance of the blood flow rate. For the blood vessel above elbow and knee injured and lacked blood supply more than 4 hours and fascia syndrome, earl ier opening the fascia cavity is the effective methods to recover the function of the l imbs and to avoid disabil ity.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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