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find Author "王富丽" 2 results
  • The changes of white matter diffusion tensor in MRI negative epilepsy comorbid sleep disorder evaluated by tract-based spatial statistics

    Objective To investigate the pathological mechanism of epileptic comorbid sleep disorder by analyzing the changes of cerebral white matter diffusion tensor in patients with sleep disorder with negative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) epilepsy based on the method of tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS). Methods MRI negative epilepsy patients comorbid sleep disorder who were epileptic patients treated l in China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University from January 2020 to December 2022 completed the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) and Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) tests, and those who complained of sleep disorder and PSQI index ≥11 were monitored by nighttime polysomnography (PSG) and those with objective sleep disorder confirmed by PSG were included in the epilepsy comorbid sleep disorder group. Healthy volunteers with matching gender, age, education were included in the health control group. Diffusion tensor image ( DTI) was collected for all subjects by using a 3.0T magnetic resonance scanner. Diffusion parameters were compared between the two groups using TBSS. Results This study included 36 epilepsy patients comorbid sleep disorder and 35 healthy volunteers. epilepsy patients comorbid sleep disorder showed significantly lower fraction anisotropy (FA) (P<0.05) and significantly higher mean diffusivity (MD) (P<0.05) than the health control group . Brain regions with statistical differences in FA reduction included middle peduncle of cerebellum, genu of corpus callosum, body of corpus callosum, splenium of corpus callosum, anterior corona radiata, external capsule and right posterior thalamic radiation.Brain regions with statistical differences in MD degradation included genu of corpus callosum, body of corpus callosum, anterior limb of internal capsule, anterior corona radiata, superior corona radiata, external capsule and right posterior limb of internal capsul. Conclusion Patients with epilepsy comorbidities with sleep disorders have widespread and symmetric white matter damage.The white matter damage is concentrated in the front of the brain.

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  • 表现为 Lennox-Gastaut 综合征的精神智力发育迟滞 13 型一例

    Release date:2019-07-15 02:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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