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find Keyword "病因" 560 results
  • Status Survey on Infertile Inpatient’s Characteristics, Disease Cause and Cost Constitution in Pingjin Hospital in Tianjin from 2008 to 2010

    Objective To investigate infertile inpatients hospitalized in Pingjin Hospital in Tianjin from 2008 to 2010, so as to provide baseline data for further research. Methods According to diagnosis criteria of WHO, we collected demographical characteristics, disease cause and cost constitution of infertility inpatients hospitalized in Pingjin Hospital in Tianjin from 2008 to 2010. The data of each patient were input into ACCESS database and SPSS 13.0 was used for statistical analysis. Results a) From 2008 to 2010, there were 1 452 infertile patients from 33 different areas of mainland China, 79.7% of which was from the north of China. b) The mean age was 31.2±4.3 years old. The percentage of patients aged 30 to 34 years accounted for the most (40.3%). Mental laborers (23.3%) were more than physical laborers (7.2%). 36.7% of patients received education from universities and 83.1% of patients had family income ranging from 20,000 yuan to 190,000 yuan. c) The mean age of the first sexual activity was 21.4±2.9 years old. 53.7% of patients had only one sexual partner and most couples had sexual activities twice every week. The mean age of husbands was 32.9±5.5 years old with the highest percentage of 30 to 35 years old (39.2%). The percent of intellectual work of husband was the highest (35.9%). 64.9% of patients had normal semen analysis results and 23.0% never took related examination. d) 29.9% of patients was primary infertility and 70.1% was secondary infertility, of which 57.6% had either induced or medical abortion. The mean duration of infertility was 5.2±3.5 years (range 1 to 21 year). e) 76.3% of infertile patients had pelvic adhesion and 88.6% suffered from tubal disease. Among the tubal infertile patients, 23.6% had uterine disease, 5.2% had ovarian disease, 5.0% had endometriosis, 6.7% had multiple problems, and 4.8% had unexplained infertility. In patients with tubal infertility, the incidence of distal fimbria atresia (45.8%) was higher than that of proximal block (32.9%). 24.7% of patients with fimbria atresia had hydrosalpinx and among of them, 21.1% had no hydrosalpinx. 15.2% had congenital tubal defects. f) The average hospital stay was 10.5 days and the cost was 14 253.3 yuan per person. The percentage of material cost was 29.1% and that of drugs was 18.2%. Conclusion a) The total number of infertile inpatients was 1 452 in gynecology department of Pingjin Hospital of Tianjin from 2008 to 2010. 79.7% of patient was from North China. Most of them were 30 to 34 years old and 44.3% had no job. The percentage of patients had university education and that of low-middle family income was the highest. Sexual activity was relatively traditional. Most husbands were 30 to 35 years old and intellectual workers, and 23.0% of them had never taken an examination of semen analysis. More patients were secondary infertile, and the duration of infertility was 1 to 21 years. b) 76.3% of patients had pelvic adhesion and 88.6% had tubal disease. The incidence of distal tubal fimbria atresia was higher than proximal tubal occlusion. c) The average hospital stay was 10.5 days and the cost was 14 253.3 yuan per person which was further lower than each cycle cost of assisted reproductive technology. The overall costs included materials and drugs (47.3%), which were mainly at patients’ own expense.

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  • Review of the Chinese Literature about Pancreatic Encephalopathy in Recent 15 Years

    目的 探讨胰性脑病的可能的发病机制、发病情况及防治措施.方法 计算机检索中文科技期刊全文数据库(1989~2004),收集有关胰性脑病的临床研究,并进行统计分析.结果 共纳入43篇文献,435例患者.胰性脑病在重症急性胰腺炎中的发病率远高于轻症急性胰腺炎;发病年龄趋向中、老年;病死率为43.67%;病因仍以胆系疾病为主;伴发低氧的几率不高于未并发胰性脑病患者.结论 胰性脑病的发生可能是多因素共同作用的结果,仍需进一步探讨其发病机制.血清髓鞘碱性蛋白有望成为有价值的诊断指标.防治以治疗原发病急性胰腺炎为主,重在预防.胰酶抑制剂和早期营养支持有一定预防作用.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Investigation of the General Things and Etiology of the Patients in Pain Clinic

    目的:了解疼痛门诊患者的一般情况,同时运用软组织外科学理论对疼痛门诊患者作病因分析,为进一步更好地服务疼痛患者提供临床依据。方法:3246例门诊疼痛患者作一般情况统计分析,同时应用软组织外科学理论根据疼痛部位寻找相应压痛点,符合软组织痛者给予相应治疗,其他诊断者按相应疾病治疗。结果: ①性别:男性1418例,占4368%,女性1828例,占5632%;②居住地:城镇居民1123例,占3459%,农村居民2123例,占6541%。③ 年龄:小于等于20岁183例,占565%,21岁到30岁278例,占763%,31岁到40岁728例,占2242%,41岁到50岁648例,占1995%,51岁到60岁700例,占2156%,61岁到70岁471例,占1452%,71岁到80岁206例,占636%,大于80岁62例,占191%。④ 疼痛时间:疼痛时间在小于30天1367例,占4214%,1个月到1年1015例,占3236%,大于1年不满3年388例,占1197%,大于3年不满10年350例,占1076%,大于10年90例,占276%。⑤ 病因:痛风、PHN、HZ、三叉神经痛、类风湿、股骨头坏死、强脊、残肢痛、面瘫、肋骨折、外伤、FBSS、压骨折、CA共255例,占786%。有相应压痛点,诊断为慢性软组织损害者共2991例,占9214%;⑥疼痛部位:其中头面痛278例,占856%,颈肩上肢痛609例,占1878%,胸背痛427例,占1315%,腰臀腿痛1666例,占5132%,全身痛172例,占529%,腹会阴痛94例,占29%。 结论: 门诊疼痛患者中女性患者多于男性患者,农村居民多于城镇居民,30岁到60岁年龄段疼痛患占大部分(6393%),发病时间在1年以内者占大部分(745%),慢性软组织损害占绝大部分(9214%),其中腰及下肢痛占1半以上(5132%)。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Etiologic Analysis of 57 Cases of Female Genital Fistula


    Release date:2016-09-08 10:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Analysis of Diagnosis and Treatment of Laparoscopic Postcholecystectomy Syndrome: A Report of 150 Cases

    Objective To discuss the pathogeny, treatment and prophylactic measures of postcholecystectomy syndrome (PCS). Methods The clinical data of 150 patients with laparoscopic PCS in our department from October 2000 to March 2009 were analyzed. Results Etiological factors were found in 131 patients: one hundred and twelve cases were due to the reasons of biliary system, including bile duct residual stones after cystic resection, the injury bile duct stenosis, a long residual cystic canal, nipple benign stricture, bile duct tumor etc; Nineteen examples were due to other reasons, including gallbladder stone merger reflux gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer, diverticulum beside duodenal nipple, and so on, which resulted in the symptoms un-release after cystic resection. Nineteen cases were not found organic lesion. In ones whose etiological factors were definite, 117 cases were treated with different surgeries according to different etiological factors; another 33 cases were treated with conservative treatment. Total 145 cases were followed up, and 139 cases in them were cured or relieved at different degrees. Conclusion Careful preoperative examination, normalized operation avoiding damaging bile duct and leaving behind bile duct stones can effectively prevent laparoscopic PCS.

    Release date:2016-08-28 03:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan


    Release date:2016-08-28 05:10 Export PDF Favorites Scan


    Release date:2016-08-28 05:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 乳腺叶状囊肉瘤(附3例报告)

    Release date:2016-08-29 09:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Platelet aggregation test (PAgT), platelet adhesion test (PAdT), thromboplastic activity of factor Ⅷ (FⅧ∶c), antithrombin Ⅲ activity (AT-Ⅲ∶a), antithrombin Ⅲ antigen (AT-Ⅲ∶Ag), von willebrand factor (vWF) and fibrinogen (Fg) were measured in 33 patients with biliary tract diseases and 24 normal individuals. The results showed that there was no significant difference in PAgT, PAdT, AT-Ⅲ∶a and AT-Ⅲ∶Ag between the two groups (P>0.05). Fg increased more significantly in biliary tract disease than in the controls (P<0.01). FⅧ∶c increased more significantly in patients with obstructive jaundice than in that of nonjaundiced and the controls (P<0.01). The levels of vWF increased higher and higher in the sequence of patients with no jaundice, obstructive jaundice due to benign diseases and obstructive jaundice due to malignancy(P<0.01). In conclusion, Fg, FⅧ∶c and vWF increased in patients with biliary tract disease.

    Release date:2016-08-29 03:19 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    In a series of experiments on rats,we have observed that the tensile strength and hydroxyproline content of left colonic anastomosis presented the lowest level on the 3rd and 4th postoperative days. Aprotinin,dimethyl sulfoxide,superoxide dismutase and vitamin A could improve the early coures of healing of colonic anastomosis;hydroxycortisone could retard the early course of healing of anastomosis and vitamin A antaonize the deleterious effect as mentioned above. Perioperative chemotherapy did not impair the early coures of healing of colonic anastomosis. The primary rasection and anastomosis of left colon for complete obstruction could be safety done if colonic content was decompressed before performing anastomosis and abdominal cavity was irrigated with antibiotic solutions afterwards. The mechanism of some factors influencing the healing of colonic anastomosis is discussed.

    Release date:2016-08-29 03:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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