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find Keyword "血液" 280 results

    ObjectiveTo introduce a new medical heat preservation device, and to explore the application value and effectiveness in replantation of severed fingers. MethodsThe medical heat preservation device was design, water was used as the heating medium, and temperature was set and controlled by microcomputer. Between November 2010 and January 2014, 421 cases undergoing replantation of severed fingers were divided into 2 groups. Within 9 days after operation, the medical heat preservation device was used in 210 cases (experimental group), and the conventional heat lamp was used in 211 cases (control group). There was no significant difference in gender, age, injury cause, the interval between injury and admission, injury finger side, and operation time between 2 groups (P>0.05). The vascular crisis rate, success rate of replantation of severed fingers, comfort, sleep quality, and the influence on roommates were compared. ResultsThe comfort and the influence on roommates were good in 188 cases (89.52%) and 201 cases (95.71%) in the experimental group, which were significantly higher than those in the control group (25/211, 11.85%; 145/211, 68.72%). According to Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) for sleep quality, the results were good in 105 cases, fair in 85 cases, and poor in 20 cases in the experimental group; the results were good in 45 cases, fair in 95 cases, and poor in 71 cases in the control group. Blood vessel crisis occurred in 35 cases (16.67%) of the experimental group, which was significantly lower than that in the control group (76/211, 36.02%) (P<0.05). The survival rate of replantation in the experimental group (196/210, 93.3%) was significantly higher than that in the control group (181/211, 85.78%) (P<0.05). Significant differences were found between 2 groups (P<0.05) in above indexs. ConclusionMedical heat preservation device for replantation of severed fingers can improve the comfortable degree of patients and the quality of sleep, increase the survival rate of finger replantation, and reduce the occurrence of vascular crisis after operation.

    Release date:2016-08-25 10:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 优质护理服务对恶性血液病患者焦虑抑郁的影响

    目的 讨论优质护理服务对恶性血液病患者焦虑及抑郁的影响。 方法 2011年10月-2012年1月对58例恶性血液病患者从人文关怀角度施以关心和心理干预,并加大健康教育宣传力度,提供全程化、无缝隙护理。并采用Zung焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)对入、出院时患者焦虑及抑郁情况进行问卷调查。 结果 患者入院时SAS、SDS得分显著高于我国常模值(P<0.01),出院患者焦虑及抑郁得到改善和缓解,与入院相比SAS、SDS得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。 结论 恶性血液病患者存在焦虑抑郁情绪,通过优质护理服务可改善其焦虑抑郁状况。

    Release date:2021-06-23 07:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 静脉/动脉血液管理保护管路与经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管的联合应用

    目的 总结静脉/动脉血液管理保护管路(VAMP)与经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管(PICC)联合应用于重症患者的血液标本采集的方法及护理。 方法 对2011年8月-11月79例留置PICC的患者应用VAMP采集血标本的方法进行回顾总结。 结果 79例患者所取血液标本合格率达100%,未发生针刺伤,且采血时未断开输液接头。 结论 PICC导管与VAMP配合应用可有效避免反复抽血给患者带来的痛苦,同时减少血样采集时的感染、针刺伤和血液废弃物,值得临床推广。

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  • 米诺地尔治疗血液透析伴顽固性高血压一例

    【摘要】 目的 探讨米诺地尔对血液透析伴顽固性高血压的降压价值。 方法 观察1例血液透析伴顽固性高血压患者米诺地尔的降压疗效,分析米诺地尔的临床应用及不良反应。 结果 米诺地尔能快速高效地控制患者的顽固性高血压状态,且小剂量长期维持治疗未发生明显药物相关副作用。 结论 米诺地尔降压效果显著、起效迅速,但鉴于使用米诺地尔的潜在毒副作用较多,该药应该被严格限制到对足量传统降压药无效或伴有不能接受的药物并发症患者。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Comparison of Two Catheter Implantation Methods in Administering Amphotericin B in Patients with Hematological Malignancies with Fungal Infections


    Release date:2016-09-08 10:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Inflammatoin,Malnutrition and Lipid metabolism in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients


    Release date:2016-09-08 10:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Study of Clinical Effects of Therapy on Drugs Poisoning by Hemoperfusion


    Release date:2016-09-08 10:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Significance and Problems in Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Micrometastasis in Peripheral Blood

    Objective To determine the value of detection of micrometastasis in peripheral blood to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) metastasis or recurrence. Methods Reviewed the related literatures, the methods and significances of the detection of HCC micrometastasis in peripheral blood were analyzed. Results Currently, there are mainly two methods, hematogenous dissemination cell detection and HCC specific mRNA biomarker detection, for detection of HCC micrometastasis in peripheral blood. Theoretically, although they are considered as early detections of HCC metastasis or recurrence, researches still not have a abroad agreeable conclusion from different studies. After adjusting and improving the methods and detection time, different studies also have not gotten a quite consistent conclusion. Conclusion There is a great significance in detection of HCC micrometastasis in peripheral blood to understanding the mechanisms of HCC metatasis and recurrence, and also to improving the clinical therapy. Theoretically and practically, the method should be improved for facilitating the mechanism research of HCC metastasis and recurrence, and the application of detection.

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  • Effects of Early Hemofiltration on TNF-α and IL-1β in Pigs with Severe Acute Pancreatitis

    【Abstract】Objective To study the influence of early hemofiltration on plasma concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β and their transcription levels in severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) pigs. Methods The model of SAP was induced by retrograde injection of artificial bile into pancreatic duct in pigs. Animals were divided randomly into two groups: SAP hemofiltration treatment group (HF group, n=8) and SAP no hemofiltration treatment group (NHF group, n=8). TNF-α and IL-1β plasma concentrations were measured by ELISA. Their transcription levels in the tissues of pancreas, liver and lung were assayed by semi-quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results After hemofiltration treatment, the plasma concentrations of TNF-α and IL-1β increased gradually but were lower than those of NHF group at the same time spot 〔at 6 h after hemofiltration treatment, (618±276) pg/ml vs (1 375±334) pg/ml and (445±141) pg/ml vs (965±265) pg/ml, P<0.01〕. At 6 h after hemofiltration treatment, the transcription levels of TNF-α and IL-1β in tissues of pancreas, liver and lung were lower than in NHF group (57.8±8.9 vs 85.7±17.4, 48.0±8.1 vs 78.1±10.2, 46.2±9.6 vs 82.4±10.5; 55.9±9.0 vs 82.2±15.7, 40.6±9.2 vs 60.0±10.6, 35.7±9.8 vs 58.1±9.3, P<0.01). Conclusion Early hemofiltration can reduce TNF-α and IL-1β plasma concentrations and transcription levels in SAP pigs.

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis of Clinical Management in Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis

    目的 探讨5例特重型胰腺炎的特点及治疗方法。方法 我院2001年8月至2003年8月共收治特重型胰腺炎患者5例。其中入院后18 h内心跳、呼吸骤停3次的重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)1例,治疗以及时血液滤过和心、肺、脑复苏为重点; SAP并发胰性脑病2例,以大剂量维生素B1的补充,或足量补给浓缩红细胞为治疗重点; 并发多个器官功能障碍的暴发性胰腺炎(FAP)2例,治疗重点是血液滤过和防治多器官功能衰竭的级联放大反应,其中1例以高渗性糖昏迷为主要表现,治疗重点是内稳态的纠正,血液滤过,重要器官功能维护。结果 5例特重型胰腺炎患者均治愈,平均住院时间为32.2 d。结论 器官功能的复苏和维护、外科ICU监护、短时血液滤过、内稳态的纠正、中西药综合治疗及病因、对症的个体化治疗是特重型胰腺炎的重要治疗措施。

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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