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find Author "赵国志" 5 results
  • 经外踝骨折间隙截骨复位固定治疗外踝及后踝骨折畸形愈合二例

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  • 微型接骨板桥式支撑固定治疗骰骨压缩骨折

    目的 总结应用微型接骨板桥式支撑固定治疗骰骨压缩骨折的临床疗效。 方法 2007 年7 月-2009 年11 月,采用指掌骨微型接骨板桥式支撑固定治疗骰骨压缩骨折15 例15 足。男13 例,女2 例;年龄22 ~ 48 岁,平均35 岁。致伤原因:扭伤3 例,交通事故伤2 例,高处坠落伤3 例,重物压伤7 例。合并第4、5 跗跖关节脱位6 例。于伤后2 ~ 10 d,平均3.7 d 行手术切开复位内固定治疗。 结果 术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合。X 线片检查示骨折于术后8 ~ 12周愈合。15 例均获随访,随访时间6 ~ 34 个月,平均19.2 个月。3 例术后8 ~ 12 周开始负重功能锻炼,4 ~ 6 周后X 线片复查示螺钉于钉帽与钉体连接处断裂,未作处理,于术后4.5 ~ 6.0 个月取出内固定。术后4 例持续步行后出现足背外侧胀痛。术后4.5 ~ 6.0 个月取出内固定,内固定取出后4 ~ 6 周根据美国骨科协会足踝外科分会标准评价足功能,获优11 例,良4 例,优良率100%。 结论 指掌骨微型接骨板桥式支撑固定在不进一步损伤关节面的同时既可恢复足外侧柱长度,又可固定骨折及跗跖关节脱位,是治疗骰骨压缩骨折的良好方法之一。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:03 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 单纯第一跖骨基底部闭合性粉碎骨折脱位的治疗

    目的总结手术治疗单纯第1跖骨基底部闭合性粉碎骨折脱位的方法及疗效。 方法2009年2月-2013年10月,采用切开复位微型接骨板跨关节桥式支撑内固定治疗9例(9足)单纯第1跖骨基底部闭合性粉碎骨折脱位。男7例,女2例;年龄22~65岁,平均38.5岁。致伤原因:高处坠落伤6例,扭伤3例。根据Myerson跗跖关节骨折脱位分型,均为B1型。其中3例骨折端骨质压缩。受伤至手术时间2~4 d,平均2.7 d。 结果术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合。患者均获随访,随访时间1年1个月~3年,平均1年8个月。骨折均愈合,愈合时间10~12周,平均10.8周。术后5例固定接骨板靠近关节侧的螺钉断裂,未作特殊处理;9例均于术后6个月~2年取出内固定物。末次随访时,按照美国矫形足踝协会(AOFAS)标准评分为80~95分,平均88.4分。 结论微型接骨板跨关节桥式支撑内固定具有手术操作简便、固定牢固、减少关节面损伤、断钉易取出等优点,是治疗第1跖骨基底部闭合性粉碎骨折脱位理想方法之一。

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    Objective To investigate the treatment method and effectiveness of fresh closed fracture-dislocation of the midtarsal joint. Methods Between April 2004 and April 2011, 73 patients (75 feet) with fresh closed fracture-dislocation of the midtarsal joint were treated with closed reduction combined with open reduction and internal fixation. There were 56 males (58 feet) and 17 females (17 feet), aged from 19 to 62 years (mean, 35.8 years). Injuries were caused by falling from height in 35 cases, by sprain in 4 cases, by machine twist in 5 cases, by heavy pound in 9 cases, and by traffic accident in 20 cases. The time from injury to admission ranged from 1 hour and 30 minutes to 48 hours (mean, 4.5 hours). According to Main’s classification standard, 6 feet were rated as vertical compression injury, 33 feet as medial displacement injury, 17 feet as lateral displacement injury, 9 feet as flexion injury, and 10 feet as crush injury. Concomitant injuries included midfoot fracture-dislocation (34 feet), scaphoid fracture (6 feet), cuboid bone fracture (18 feet), calcaneal fracture (8 feet), talus fracture (7 feet), tibiotalar joint dislocation (2 feet), subtalar joint dislocation (2 feet), medial malleolus fracture (1 foot), and acute compartment syndrome (3 feet). Results Healing of incision by first intention was achieved in 65 cases (67 feet), by second intention in 8 cases (8 feet). Sixty-two cases (62 feet) were followed up from 11 months to 7 years and 11 months (mean, 3 years and 6 months). After operation, feet pain occurred in 26 cases, and stiffness or discomfort of the affected foot in 36 feet when walking. The X-ray examination showed good reduction of fracture-dislocation of the midtarsal joint and concomitant injuries with no re-dislocation or bone nonunion in 59 feet; 3 feet had flatfoot secondary to navicular necrosis, and underwent arthrodesis. The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score was 77-90 (mean, 88.6) at last follow-up. Conclusion According to the preoperative evaluation of the damage, using the manual reduction combined with internal fixation (mini-plate or hollow screw with Kirschner wire) methods can obtain good effectiveness in the treatment of fracture-dislocation of the midtarsal joint.

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To analyse and summarize the diagnosis, treatment, and cl inical effects of talus lateral process fracture. Methods Between February 2001 and March 2009, 21 male patients with an average age of 33.6 years (range, 18-46years) with talus lateral process fractures were treated. Fracture was caused by fall ing from height in 18 cases, by tumbl ing in 2 cases, and by sprain in 1 case. According to Hawkins classification, there were 4 cases of type I, 15 cases of type II, and 2 cases of type III, all being closed fractures. The disease course was from 2 hours to 26 days. In 17 patients whose fracture fragments were more than 1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm or whose fracture fragments shifting was more than 1 mm, open reduction and internal fixation with AO hollow titanium nails were performed in 14 patients, open reduction and internal fixation with door-shape self-made nail in 1 patient, and open reduction and internal fixation with absorbable screws in 2 patients. In 4 patients whose fracture fragments were less than 0.6 cm × 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm or whose fracture fragments shifting was less than 1 mm, fragments removel was performed in 2 patients, Kirschner pins in 1 patient, and plaster conservative therapy in 1 patient. In patients with l igaments injury, the l igaments was reconstructed during the operation. Results All the incisions achieved primary heal ing. Twenty-one patients were followed up 9.5 months to 8 years. No ankle pain occurred and the range of joint motion was normal after operation. The X-ray films showed that all cases achieved fracture union. And the healing time was from 8 weeks to 14 weeks (10 weeks on average). According toAmerican Orthopeadic Foot amp; Ankle Society (AOFAS) for foot, the results were excellent in 17 cases, good in 3 cases, and moderate in 1 case; the excellent and good rate was 95.24%. Conclusion The size and displacement of fracture fragment should be considered first in the treatment of lateral process fracture of talus; in patients who are compl icated by lateral malleolus l igament injury, the l igament should be reconstructed to avoid the chronic non-stabil ity of lateral ankle.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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