With the transformation of modern medical models, patient-reported outcomes, clinician-reported outcomes, observer-reported outcomes, and performance outcomes have become internationally recognized clinical outcome assessment indicators, and scales have also become important evaluation tools, among which translation and cross-cultural adaptation are one of the important sources of scales. However, at present, there are fewer guidelines for scale translation in China. At present, domestic scale translation has not yet been unified and standardized in clinical reporting. Most translation reports provide readers with incomplete information, which affects the development of scale translation, and the methodology related to the translation of clinical outcome assessment scales still focuses on patient-reported outcome scales, which creates a gap in terms of the recommendations for the rest of the types of translations, a gap which leads to inconsistencies in the translation methodology and process. In this paper, we will develop specific translation methods and processes for each of the four current types of clinical outcome assessments by combining scale translation guidelines to support a standardized approach to translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and linguistic validation for use in standardizing the process of recommending translations of patient-reported outcome scales, clinical-reported outcome scales, observer-reported outcome scales, and behavioral outcome scales.
Sample size re-estimation (SSR) refers to the recalculation of the sample size using the existing trial data as original planned to ensure that the final statistical test achieved the pre-defined goals. SSR can enhance research efficiency, save trial costs, and accelerate the research process. Depending on whether the group assignment of the patients is known, SSR is divided into blinded sample size re-estimation and unblinded sample size re-estimation. Blinded sample size re-estimation can estimate the variance of the primary evaluation index through the EM algorithm or single sample variance re-estimation method, and then calculate the sample size. Unblinded sample size re-estimation can calculate the sample size by estimating the overall variance or therapeutic effect difference, but it needs to control the family wise type I error (FWER) rate. Cui-Hung-Wang method, conditional rejection probability method, P-value combination method, conditional error function, and promising zone are common methods used to control FWER. Currently, there are application examples of SSR methods. With the maturation of related theories and the popularization of methods, it is expected to be widely applied in clinical trials, especially in traditional Chinese medicine clinical trials in the future.