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find Author "KUANG Yingping" 1 results
  • Standardized interpretation of primary care research (CRISP) reporting guidelines

    Consensus reporting items for studies in primary care (CRISP) is a newly developed measurement tool developed abroad to standardize primary health care research, so as to improve the quality of reporting and enhance the applicability, comprehensiveness, transparency and operability of reporting. The report contains 24 Entries that follow the Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion (IMRaD) format, and is primarily concerned with describing the research team, the patients, the study subjects, the health status, the clinical experience, the health care team, the interventions, the study interventions, and the findings in the PHC study / implementation of results, etc. This article introduces and interprets the reporting guidelines to help researchers better understand and apply this statement to improve the quality of reporting in primary health care research

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