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find Author "YANG Shuihua" 2 results
  • Yolk Sac Tumor of Testis: A Report of Two Cases and the Literature Review

    目的 提高睾丸内胚窦瘤的诊治水平。 方法 对2010年8月和2011年9月分别收治的2例睾丸内胚窦瘤诊治资料进行分析并结合文献复习。 结果 2例均行患侧睾丸肿瘤根治性切除术,术后分别随访3个月和1年,无局部复发及处转移。 结论 甲胎蛋白结合影像学检查可提高睾丸内胚窦瘤的诊断率;根治术结合放射治疗、化学治疗能提高治愈率;甲胎蛋白可作为观察疗效的指标。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The current research status of evidence-based health policy briefs: a visual analysis

    Objective To analyze the current research status, hotspots and development trends in the field of evidence-based health policy briefs at home and abroad. Methods Computer searches of Web of Science Core Collection and CNKI databases for studies related to evidence-based health policy briefs were conducted, and the timeframe of the searches was from the establishment of the databases to August 6, 2024. Charticular, VOSviewer and CiteSpace software were used to visualize and analyze the countries, institutions, journals, authors and keywords of the included literature. Results A total of 145 relevant studies were included, of which 141 were in English and 4 were in Chinese. The number of articles in English showed an overall increasing trend; the country with the largest number of articles was the United States; the organization with the largest number of articles was the World Health Organization; the journal with the largest number of articles was Frontiers in Public Health; and the hot keywords in recent years focused on the food and nutritional safety system, cardiovascular disease, obesity, impact, and public health policy. The research related to “healthcare” and “knowledge translation” is expected to become a frontier hotspot. The number of Chinese studies was relatively small, and the research content involved policy briefs and policy brief methodology in the field of public health. Conclusion Future research may focus on policy briefs on health care, food and nutrition, cardiovascular disease, obesity and other health issues, their impact and the use of policy briefs in the formulation of public health policies. Currently, there is a significant difference between domestic and foreign research in the field of evidence-based health policy briefs, foreign research has tended to mature, while the domestic is still in the embryonic stage, there is an urgent need to enrich the methodological system, enrich the content of the study, and in the future, we can learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries and integrate multidisciplinary research methods, in order to promote the improvement and sustainable development of the field of evidence-based health policy briefs in China.

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