ObjectiveTo investigate the methodology of a newly developed highpressure liquid chromatography electrochemical system in urinary 8hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8OHdG) quantification. MethodsQuantification of urinary 8OHdG with ESA 5600 Coularray system among 21 children from liver cancer highrisk areas, Fusui country, in contrast with 63 controls from Nanning city, Guangxi province.ResultsThe resolution, sensitivity, linearity, precision and recovery of this approach all fully meet the requirement of routine urinary 8OHdG quantification. The mean 8OHdG level of this population was (5.26±0.41) ng/mg creatinine, higher than previous report 〔(4.62±0.091) ng/mg creatinine〕 by similar method.ConclusionWith cautious design and modification, this method is reliable and accurate in high throughput quantification of urinary 8OHdG.
Objective To investigate the effect of partial liquid ventilation (PLV) with perfluorocarbon(PFC) and continuous pulmonary artery perfusion (CPP) on lung gas exchange and lung inflammatory reaction in acute lung injury(ALI) induced by cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Methods Eighteen of either sex piglets(weighting10.2±1.6kg) were randomly divided into three groups: Control group, CPP+CPB group (CPP group), PLV+CPP+CPB group (PLV group). Animals in control group received no treatment but conventional mechanical ventilation.In CPP group lung perfusion with oxygenated blood at 20-25ml/kg·min was given during aortic clamping. In PLV group PFC (FDC)12ml/kg was instilled into the trachea right after CPB stopping. The changes of gas exchange were mearsured before CPB and at 0h, 1h, 2h, 3h after CPB stopping. Histological sections were taken from right and left downsides of lung. Results Compared with control group, the partial pressure of oxygen in artery (PaO2) significantly increased and alveolar-aterial oxygen gradient(AaDO2) markedly decreased after 1h in PLV group(Plt;005) and partial pressure of carbon dioxide in artery (PaCO2) also became small after 3h (Plt;005).The change of gas exchange in CPP group was markedly improved. And role of lung protection of PLV was more better than that of CPP. Light microscopy: Express of intercellular adhesion molecule-1(ICAM-1) in the histopathological lesions of lung was bely positive in control group than that of PLV group and CPP group. Conclusion PLV and continuous pulmonary artery perfusion can improve the oxygenation of lung and inhibit inflammatory reaction of acute lung injury induced by CPB
Objective To study the degradable properties of 3D-SC artificial skin in vitro. Methods The 3D-SC artificial skin materials wererespectively immersed into the solutions of 0.9% normal saline (control group), pancreatic tissue liquid (experimental group 1), physiological buffer (Hanks balanced salt solution,experimental group 2) and 0.2 mol/L phosphate buffer (pH 7.4,experimentalgroup 3), and the degradation was carried out at 37℃. The quality lost ratioswere determined on the 3rd day, the 5th day, the 7th day, the 9th day, 11th dayand 14th day in the experimental group 1, while on the 3rd day, 7th day, 14th day, 15th day, 21st day and 30th day in the other groups. Results The 3D-SC artificial skin was degraded completely in pancreatic tissue liquid about within 14 days in the experimental group 1; in the control group, and in the experimental groups 2 and 3, the degradation ratios were 868%±2.30%,28.51%±10.68% and 7.35%±0.61% on the 14th day; 71.83%±2.58%, 91.32%±1.87% and 75.64%±6.13% on the 15th day, being significant difference between the control group and the experimental group 2(Plt;0.01); and 91.87%±8.15%, 95.62%±1.36% and 92.10%±2.26% on the 30th day, being no significant differences between these 3 groups(Pgt;0.05), respectivelies. Conclusion The 3D-SC artificial skin materials have good degradable properties. The trend of degradation speed is from slow to quick and then to slow without enzyme.
OBJECTIVE: To purify and study Schwann cells cytoplasmic neurotrophic protein. METHODS: The dissociated SC taken from 300 newborn rats sciatic nerves were cultured, collected, ultrasonicated and ultraspeed centrifuged. The supernates were ultrafiltrated and concentrated by using ultrafiltration units with PM10, PM30, PM50 ultrafiltration membranes. The ultrafiltrated-concentrated solution with the protein molecular weight 10-30 ku, 30-50 ku and gt; 50 ku were collected respectively. The dissociated spinal cord motoneurons of 14 days embryonic rats were cultured with serum-free conditional medium and the additional SC cytoplasmic proteins were added into the medium. The results showed that the 10-30 ku and gt; 50 ku SC cytoplasmic proteins were able to maintain the survival of motoneurons for 24 hours. Then the 26 ku and 58 ku proteins were further extracted and purified from SC cytoplasm by high pressure liquid chromatography, and their neurobiological activities were studied. RESULTS: The 26 ku and 58 ku Schwann cell’s cytoplasmic proteins were able to maintain the survival of motoneurons cultured in the serum-free medium for 48 hours. The highest biological activity concentration is 20 ng per well. CONCLUSION: Schwann cells cytoplasm contains motoneuron neurotrophic proteins with molecular weight 26 ku and 58 ku.
Objective To evaluate the effect of vitreoretinal surgery with lens-sparing technique in treating the detachment with giant retinal tear(GRT) associated with proliferative vitreoretinopathy(PVR). Methods Thirty-one consecutive eyes with GRT unde rwent vitrectomy were analysed retrospectively. Operative techniques included peeling of pre-retinal membrane, injection of perfluorodecalin liquid, retinotomy and retinectomy,endolaser,and silicon oil or C2F6 gas tamponade. Lens-sparing vitrectomy was performed in 28 phakic eyes. Follow-up period ranged from 11 to 34 months. Results Anatomic retina l attachment was achieved intraoeratively in 29 eyes. In 16 eyes of 28 eyes with postoperative cataract formation,3 eyes underwent cataract surgery with or without intraocular lens implantation. The corrected final visual acuity ran ged from 0.4 to 0.01. Conclusion Most phakic eyes of retinal detachment with GRT PVR can be successfully operated on with an out come of improving the visual acuity by using techniques of lens-sparing vitrectomy, perfluorodecalin liquid and silcone oil tamponade. (Chin J Ocul Fundus Dis, 2001,17:93-95)
PURPOSE:To investigale the influence of orally administered aldose reduetace inhibitor(ARI) and myo-inositol (MI)for contents of gluecose,sorbitol and myo-inositol in experimental diabetic retinal tissue in rat. METHODS :The STZ-induced diabetic rats were administered ARI or MI by oral. The glucose sorbitol and myo-inositol in retinal tissues were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography after experimental period of 6 montbs. RESULTS:It was found that the contents of glucose and sorhitol were increased and myo inosltol was decreased in diabetic group. In diabetes with ARI group.the content of sorbitol was increased although the glucose was in high level. In diabetes wilb MI group,the sorbitol accumulaled and coment of myo-inositol was close to the normal control group. CONCLUSIONS:The ARI can effectively obstruct sorbitol accumulation in retina. MI increase myo-inositol level but fail to reduce sorbitol contenl of retina. (Chin J Ocul Fundus Dis,1997,13: 75-77 )
Objective To determine the best threshold value of hemoglobin A2 (HbA2) for diagnosis of β-thalassemia (β-thal) carriers by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and to improve the application value of HbA2 as a diagnostic index for β-thal carriers to reduce the rates of missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis. Methods Using reverse dot blot (RDB) as a gold standard method, HbA2 results of 1 007 β-thal carriers and 606 normal controls in the past two years determined by HPLC were divided into true positive, false positive, true negative, and false negative based on the different threshold values of HbA2 results. Then, the evaluation indexes such as sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratio, and Youden’s index were evaluated. Next, the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve was drawn to determine the best threshold value of HbA2 for diagnosis of β-thal carriers by HPLC. Results If ≥4.0% was taken as the threshold value of HbA2 for diagnosis of β-thal carriers by HPLC, the evaluation indexes values were shown as follows: sensitivity 99.21%, specificity 99.34%, positive likelihood ratio 150.30, negative likelihood ratio 0.008, and Youden’s index 0.99. The Youden’s index was better than the other threshold values, and the corresponding tangent point was the peak point of the ROC curve. Conclusion When ≥4.0% serves as the best threshold value of HbA2 for diagnosis of β-thal carriers using HPLC, integrated evaluation performance of the corresponding sensitivity and specificity is the most ideal, and the authenticity of the diagnostic test is the best.
Objective To summarize the available clinical research evidence on gliquidone for treating diabetes mellitus. Methods The clinical research on gliquidone for diabetes mellitus was systematically searched and appraised. Result Six randomized controlled trials and eleven controlled clinical trials were identified. The methodological quality of most papers about gliquidone for diabetes mellitus was poor. Currently, clinically patient-related endpoints as outcome measures and health economic analyses are lacking in this field. Conclusions Based on the available evidence, gliquidone appears specifically applicable to elderly diabetic patients with kidney diseases. More methodologically sound and patient-related endpoints and economic analyses based on clinical research are required.
【摘要】 目的 评价人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)DNA检测在宫颈癌筛查中的价值。 方法 采用第二代杂交捕获(HCⅡ)技术和液基细胞学测试(LCT)2种方法,对1026例在妇科病中心就诊的受检者进行同步盲法检测,同时进行阴道镜检查。以宫颈活检组织病理学检查结果为诊断标准。评价该方案在宫颈癌筛查中的应用价值。 结果 病理检查结果显示,宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)Ⅰ级152例,CINⅡ级108例,CINⅢ级109例,宫颈浸润癌28例。筛查高危型HPV感染366例,阳性率3570%, 在不同宫颈病变中的阳性率分别是:宫颈癌9290%(26/28),CINⅢ900%(99/109),CINⅡ8890%(96/108),CINⅠ8750%(133/152)。高危HPV对宫颈高级别病变的敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值,阴性预测值分别是9860%、8610%、1480%和9980%;HPV与LCT联合检测(平行试验)的以上各指标分别是10000%、8090%、1210%和10000%。 结论 高危型人乳头状瘤病毒检测在宫颈癌前病变的筛查中有较高的敏感度和阴性预测值,联合LCT检测是目前宫颈癌筛查具有诊断价值的方法。【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the value of high risk human papillomavirus(HPV) DNA dectection for cervical cancer screening. Methods Hybrid capture Ⅱ(HCⅡ)human papillomavirus (HPV) test and liquid based cytology test (LCT) were performed in 1026 patients treaed in Xuzhou No.1 hospital from May 2008 to May 2009,and the abnomal cytological or HPV DNA findings were further biopsied under the colposcopeto to appraise the appicational importance of each approach for screening cervical cancer. Results Pathological results showed that cervical intraepithelial neoplasial(CIN)Ⅰin 152 patients,CIN Ⅱ in 108 patients,CIN Ⅲ 109 patients,invasive cervical cancer in 28 patients.HPV infected 366 patients in detection, with 3570% positive rate. The infection rate of HPV in cervical cancer was 929%(26/28),in CIN Ⅲ was 908%(99/109),in CIN Ⅱ was 889%(96/108),and in CIN Ⅰwas 875%(133/152).The pathological results treated as standard,the sensitivity, soecificiy, positive prevalue, negative prevalue of HCⅡ HPV for detecting highgrade cervical lesions were 986%,861%,148% and 998%.The values for HPVLCT parallel test were 1000%,809%,121% and 100%. Conclusion Highrisk HPV DNA test is of high sensitivity and negativepredictive value. The combination of HCⅡ HPV and LCT tests are of great value for screening cervical cancer at present.
Objective To study the distribution and concentration of meropenem in rabbit bile. Methods The rabbits were cannulated with a silicone tube in the common bile duct and the blank bile was collected. The rabbits were then administered intravenously with meropenem. Multiple bile samples (1.5 ml) were collected at different phases after the administrations. According to requirement of the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the specificity test was undertook. The blank bile was then mixed with meropenem and mobile phase, respectively, in order to obtain a series of bile samples at different concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 500 μg/ml. The samples were analyzed with HPLC and the chromatographic peak area of meropenem contents were quantitated through external reference method. The linear regression equation was used to analyzed the relationship between the drug concentrations and the chromatographic peak areas. The bile samples that were collected after drug administrations were pretreated and the chromatographic peak areas were assayed by the liquid chromatograph. The bile concentrations were then calculated according to the regression equation, and the concentration-time distribution of meropenem in the bile was obtained ultimately. Results The specificity test indicated the bile dopant peak and the meropenem chromatographic peak were well-separated under chromatographic condition of the mobile phase. The standard curve regression equation was S=2 209.10C-1 251.34, r=0.999 9, and minimum quantitation limit of meropenem was 0.5 μg/ml. After a single i.v. administration of 75 mg/kg of meropenem in each rabbit, drug concentrations reached (38.36±14.17) μg/ml immediately in bile, which significantly exceeded the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC90) for most gram negatives, which range from 0.031 to 2 μg/ml. The bile concentration of meropenem decreased quickly over time, and meropenem was eliminated completely in rabbit bile 3 hours after intravenous injection. Conclusion Meropenem could achieve adequate bile concentration for the treatment of biliary tract infection due to susceptible bacteria. However, because of its rapid biliary elimination, meropenem should be used in shorter interval time.