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find Keyword "血栓形成" 111 results
  • Catheter Directed Thrombolysis versus Mechanical Thrombectomy Combined with Catheter Directed Thrombolysis for Lower Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis

    目的研究置管溶栓联合球囊扩张导管碎栓治疗下肢深静脉血栓形成(DVT)的疗效及安全性。 方法回顾性分析2011年9月至2015年1月本院收治的82例急性下肢DVT患者的临床资料。将患者分成两组:A组行单纯经导管直接溶栓(CDT)治疗,共32例,其中男10例、女22例,平均年龄(56±15)岁;B组行CDT联合机械碎栓(球囊扩张导管碎栓)治疗,共50例,其中男18例、女32例,平均年龄(57±17)岁。比较2组治疗前后静脉通畅率、静脉通畅度评分、健侧和患侧下肢周径差,比较2组尿激酶用量及溶栓导管留置时间,以出血并发症、肺栓塞的发生率评价治疗的安全性。 结果2组共82例患者完成溶栓及碎栓疗程,B组较A组溶栓时间更短,A组平均9(7,12)d;B组平均5(4,7)d,2组差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);B组较A组尿激酶用量更少,A组平均7.250(6.355,8.255)×106 U,B组平均4.925(3.715,5.810)×106 U,2组差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);B组治疗后的静脉通畅度评分显著优于A组,A组65.0%(40.5%,86.5%),B组为100%(90%,100%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。治疗后2组出血并发症发生率差异无统计学意义(P=0.0976)。2组患者随访时间3~18个月,A组随访率50.0%,B组随访率58.0%,均未发生肺动脉栓塞。 结论在下腔静脉滤器保护下,CDT联合球囊扩张导管碎栓治疗急性下肢DVT较单纯CDT治疗,溶栓效果好、尿激酶用量少、不增加肺栓塞及出血发生率。

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  • Study on The Effect of Endovascular Treatment Guided by Ultrasonography Combined with Portosystemic Shunts for Budd-Chiari Syndrome

    Objective To explore the effect of endovascular treatment guided by ultrasonography combined with portosystemic shunts on the patients with Budd-Chiari Syndrome (BCS).Methods The clinical data of 136 patients with BCS treated by balloon angioplasty and stent implantation guided by Doppler ultrasonography in our hospital from January 1995 to January 2011 were retrospectively analyzed.After balloon angioplasty,53 patients were treated by inferior vena cava (IVC) stent implantation and 31 patients with hepatic venous occlusion underwent portosystemic shunts (PSSs) at one week after endovascular treatment.The long-and short-term effects after treatment were studied.Results After endovascular procedures,the IVC pressure of patients significantly decreased (P<0.01),while IVC diameter, flow velocity in the lesion,and right atrial pressure of patients showed significant increase(P<0.01).Slight heart dysfunction appeared in 13 cases of patients.After shunting,acute pancreatitis occurred in 3 cases, and 1 patient died of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage on the 10 d after PSSs.Doppler ultrasonography for IVC and shunt vessels showed:the swollen liver and spleen lessened on 3d after endovascular procedures.The swollen liver lessened 2-7cm (mean 5.5cm),swollen spleen lessened 3-8cm (mean 5.8cm), and the time of ascites disappearance was 3-60d (mean 14d).All the patients were followed up for 1 month to 15 years with an average of 3 years.Restenosis of the distal part of stent was found in 1 patient in 2 years after operation, hepatic vein occlusion occurred in 1 case in 1 year after treatment,hepatocellular carcinoma occurred in 1 patient in 3 years after stent implantation,and 1 patient died of C type hepatitis after 1 year,and 5 out of 6 cases of patients with infertility had babies after 1 year.All patients had no stent migration or occlusion of shunts and the symptoms of portal hypertension were obviously relieved.Conclusions Endovascular treatment guided by Doppler ultrasonography is a convenient,safe,and effective method for BCS.Portosystemic shunts are commended to patients with hepatic venous occlusions.The above mentioned methods provide a feasible and effective means for IVC stenosis and short segment occlusion with hepatic vein occlusion of BCS.

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  • Application of Potaried Technique with Trivex System in Treatment for Venous Skin Ulcer with Deep Venous Thrombosis Sequelae of Lower Limbs

    ObjectiveTo explore the value of potaried technique with Trivex system in treatment for venous skin ulcer with deep venous thrombosis sequelae (DVTS) of lower limbs. MethodsTotal 166 patients with venous skin ulcer with DVTS of lower limbs were included in this study. The patients of operation group (94 patients involving 94 legs) were treated by using potaried technique with Trivex system. The patients of nonoperation group (72 patients involving 72 legs) were treated by using nonoperative method. The clinical indexes of skin infection rate, skin necrosis rate, shrinkage rate of wound area, skin depigmentation rate, ulcer healing rate and ulcer recurrence rate were used to assess the clinical curative effect between two groups on 5, 20, 120 and 360 d after operation or treatment, respectively. ResultsThere were no skin infection and skin necrosis in two groups on 5 d after operation or treatment. The rate of shrinkage of wound area and skin depigmentation of patients in operation group were significantly higher than those in nonoperation group on 20 d after operation or treatment 〔(95.8±2.138)% vs. (68.7±3.125)%,P=0.048; (87.6±1.263)% vs. (12.3±1.324)%, P=0.018〕. The rate of the ulcer healing of patients in operation group was significantly higher than that in nonoperation group on 120 d after operation or treatment (97.9%vs. 8.3%, P=0.014). The rate of the ulcer recurrence of patients in operation group was significantly lower than that in nonoperation group on 360 d after operation or treatment (5.3% vs. 97.2%, P=0.015). ConclusionThe potaried technique with Trivex system can be used as one of the surgical treatment methods for venous skin ulcer with DVTS of lower limbs.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Deep Venous Thrombosis of Lower Limb

    目的 总结我科2002年3月至2005年10月收治的下肢深静脉血栓形成(deep vein thrombosis,DVT)患者的诊治经验.方法 本组下肢DVT患者275例,患肢294条.男134例,女141例,年龄14~92岁,平均(50.76±16.43)岁.单侧下肢DVT 256例(左侧159例,右侧97例),19例为双下肢DVT(其中有8例是仅一侧肢体有临床表现); 属混合型194条,中央型74条,周围型26条.行彩色多普勒或静脉造影检查了解血栓部位及范围; 对怀疑有肺动脉栓塞(pulmonary embolism, PE)者行肺部增强CT扫描.治疗包括抗凝、溶栓、祛聚、梯度压力静脉弹力袜以及对症处理.对反复发生PE、存在抗凝治疗禁忌证、需要手术取栓、下肢静脉存在悬浮游离血栓者安置下腔静脉滤器.对发生股青肿患者行手术取栓.疗效评价: 住院期间观察症状变化,监测膝关节上、下15 cm处周径; 对随访患者行CEAP(clinical-etiology-anatomic-pathophysiologic)临床表现分级、功能障碍评分(venous disability score, VDS).结果 本组DVT常见的危险因素包括活动受限史、2周以内有手术史、恶性肿瘤及外伤史.本组患肢主要临床表现包括: 肿胀、疼痛、皮温增高、皮肤暗红、浅静脉迂曲等.并发症: PE 9例,股青肿2例,下腔静脉阻塞综合征3例.275例中2例行手术取栓,25例安置下腔静脉滤器.本组患者症状经治疗后1~5 d开始缓解,出院时膝关节上、下周径较入院时明显缩小(P<0.05).随访时间6个月~3年,195例(70.9%)的201条(68.4%)患肢获得随访,患肢CEAP分级: C0级78条,C1级53条,C2级16条,C3级20条,C4级15条,C5级11条,C6级8条; VDS评分: 0分77例,1分66例,2分33例,3分19例.结论 下肢DVT的诊断中应注意对危险因素以及无症状的DVT的搜寻; 早期治疗以非手术治疗为主,通过抗凝、溶栓等综合治疗可以达到满意效果; 在早期如发生股青肿应及时手术治疗; 有选择地安置下腔静脉滤器可防止PE的发生; 后期应根据病情特点确定治疗方案和疗程.

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  • 下肢深静脉血栓形成的外科治疗

    深静脉血栓形成(DVT)大多数发生在下肢。DVT治疗方法包括: 药物治疗、手术治疗、介入治疗等,治疗中应根据患者的分型及病程采用一种或几种方法的联合应用。药物治疗基本规范,这里主要讨论一下手术和介入治疗。......

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  • Level and Significance of Inflammatory Cytokines in Patients with Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis of Lower Extremity

    Objective To study the significance of the levels of plasma inflammatory cytokines (IL-6,IL-8,IL-10 and TNF-α) in patients with acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT) of lower extremity. Methods Forty untreated DVT cases were selected as the subjects in the DVT group, while thirty healthy subjects, whose ages and genders showed no significant difference with the DVT patients, were collected as the control group. The plasma levels of IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α were detected by radioimmunoassay (RIA), and the plasma level of IL-10 was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Correlation analysis was used to investigate the relationships between the levels of different inflammatory cytokines within DVT group. Results The levels of plasma cytokines in the DVT group were all significantly higher than those in control group (P<0.001). The results of the correlation analysis showed that there were positive correlations between IL-6 and TNF-α (r=0.383, P<0.05), IL-10 and TNF-α (r=0.390, P<0.05), respectively, within the DVT group; whereas there were no correlations between IL-6 and IL-8, IL-6 and IL-10, IL-8 and IL-10, and IL-8 and TNF-α. Conclusion The levels of plasma cytokines increased significantly in patients of DVT. Inflammatory cytokines may play an important role in acute DVT by accelerating the pace of thrombosis, intensifying the inflammatory reaction around thrombus and aggravating the injured blood vessel.

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  • Thrombolytic Therapy of Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis of Lower Extremity(Report of 126 Cases)

    Objective To explore the results of thrombolytic therapy of acute deep vein thrombosis of lower extremity. Methods The clinical data of 126 patients with acute deep vein thrombosis of lower extremity treated conservatively from Dec.1999 to Feb.2004 were analyzed retrospectively. Results All patients were divided into three groups: 26 of central, 33 of surrounding and 67 of combined by Doppler sonography. Combined medication was adopted in all cases, in which 85 cases (67.5%) were clinically cured, 34 cases (27.0%) had good results, and 5 cases (4.0%) recovered partially. Two cases (1.6%) didn’t get better. The total effective rate was 98.4% (124/126). Conclusion Most patients with acute deep vein thrombosis of lower extremity can get satisfied results with conservative treatment including thrombolysis and anticoagulation. Early diagnosis and appropriate medication are crucial.

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  • The Alteration of Plasma Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide Level During Thrombolytic Therapy in Patients with Iliofemoral Venous Thrombosis

    ObjectiveTo probe plasma calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) levels during thrombolytic therapy in patients with iliofemoral venous thrombosis in order to investigate its regularity of the alteration and its clinical significance.MethodsFifty patients with acute iliofemoral venous thrombosis and 30 patients with chronic iliofemoral venous thrombosis were given urokinase and prostaglandin E1 from veins for 15 days. The CGRP levels were determined by radioimmunoassay before treatment and on the 6th hour, 1st day, 3rd day, 7th day, 14th day, 30th day after treatment.ResultsThe plasma CGRP levels were increased in patients with acute iliofemoral venous thrombosis compared with the contrast ones. The CGRP levels in serious group was lower than those in mild group. However, the CGRP levels of 30 chronic patients and 12 patients who received the second course of thrombolysis as on effective were not different from those of contrast ones. The plasma CGRP levels were increased at the 6th hour,reached the peak at the 3th day and returned to normal at the 14th day after thrombolytic therapy in acute group which just consistent with the therapeutic effectiveness.ConclusionIt is helpful to judge whether the thrombolytic therapy is effective and the illness has come to chronic stage according to the levels of plasma CGRP in patients with iliofemoral venous thrombosis.

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:49 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Ulcerative Colitis Complicating with Multiple Venous Thromboembolism: One Case Report and Literature Review

    Objective To improve the knowledge of inflammatory bowel disease complicated with venous thromboembolism for better diagnosis and treatment. Methods One case of patient with ulcerative colitis complicated with a multiple vessel thromboembolism ( pulmonary arterial, deep vein of lower limb, and superior mesenteric vein) was analyzed, and related literatures were reviewed. Results The patient resulted in pulmonary thromboembolism ( PTE) recurrence because of irregular treatment. In addition to deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremity, a new discovery of the superior mesenteric vein embolism ( MVT) was diagnosed. The bleeding risk of heparin or lowmolecular weight heparin ( LMWH) for treatment is low, while that of warfarin is high. Conclusions Venous thromboembolism ( VTE) has a close relationship with inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD) such as ulcerative colitis. The symptomis not so typical that it is easy to misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis. It is noted that mesenteric venous thrombosis ( MVT) should be excluded in IBD patients suffering from VTE, if the source of embolus is not clear. Suitable treatment should be considered according to the risk stratification of VTE and risk-benefit ratio because of a high bleeding risk.

    Release date:2016-09-13 04:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To review the relationshi p between heritable hypercoagulable state (HHCS) and avascular necrosis of femoral head (ANFH). Methods The latest original articles about the relationshi p between HHCS and ANFH were extensively reviewed. Results Several genetic mutations which could cause HHCS, such as thrombophilic factor V G1691A gene, thrombophilic factor II G20210A gene, 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T gene, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 4G/5G, and tissue factor pathway inhibitor gene, may be genetic risks of ANFH. Conclusion HHCS may be a genetic cause of ANFH. Further studies are needed to confirm the relationship between HHCS and Chinese ANFH.

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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